I spent most of my energy battling winds of 40-50 mph on the way to Boise City, OK today. I hung around Boise City for a while and saw the convection initiating way to my SW. I headed down to Stratford and then eventually to Dalhart. I ate in Dalhart and then went west about 15 or 20 miles and found a spot to start taking photos of a spectacular sunset. This sunset was worth the price of admission! I haven't photographed a sunset this amazing in a very, very long time. I stuck around for a while as the storm to my SW put on a decent lightning show towards dark. It kept it's act together for a while, but eventually petered out. I traveled about 300 miles today with sunset photos to show for, but I think it was worth it. Maybe Wednesday will be a better day for storms around the area.
I'd like to chase with you sometime Steve, but it may have to be out of the viewing area since we both chase for competing stations. Anyway, lets get together this year and go chasing.
I'm a storm chaser and amateur photographer from Amarillo, TX. I have a passion for weather and an interest in photography. With these two interests intertwined, I hope to bring you photographs and video from a complete spectrum of the weather world. I shoot most of my images with a Canon digital SLR camera. However, I do shoot some video because I chase storms for a local tv station. When Mother Nature isn't cooperating, I will post random thoughts, and I will also post random photos from the photography excursion that I sometimes go on. Finally, I also discuss forecast decisions on a possible chase day. I will keep this blog updated as much as possible. Hope to see you again!
Great shots jason! We need to chase together this year.
Thanks Dann and Steve!
I'd like to chase with you sometime Steve, but it may have to be out of the viewing area since we both chase for competing stations. Anyway, lets get together this year and go chasing.
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