Well, it was good to finally get out of the house to chase for the first time since March 8th. I left Amarillo around 2 and fiddled around with convection around Tulia for a while but didn't really see much except for rain and a lot of CG's. Headed east out of Tulia and got onto some better storms that were going up north of Silverton. I initially headed south out of Turkey for a few minutes, but decided to get on the stronger storms between Turkey and Brice. I got about 6 miles south of Brice on Hwy. 70 and thought I might get into some pretty good sized hail since the VIL was off the chart. I think the VIL at times approached 70-80, but only small and very sporadic hail ever occurred in the area I was located. I was very surprised to say the least as I was getting ready for a hail barrage!
It was a nice drive on the way back to Amarillo as I got some nice pics of the sunset and some mammatus from the decaying anvils. All in all, a nice chase with hopes of many more to come!
I'm a storm chaser and amateur photographer from Amarillo, TX. I have a passion for weather and an interest in photography. With these two interests intertwined, I hope to bring you photographs and video from a complete spectrum of the weather world. I shoot most of my images with a Canon digital SLR camera. However, I do shoot some video because I chase storms for a local tv station. When Mother Nature isn't cooperating, I will post random thoughts, and I will also post random photos from the photography excursion that I sometimes go on. Finally, I also discuss forecast decisions on a possible chase day. I will keep this blog updated as much as possible. Hope to see you again!
Purdy pictures! We weren't too far away from each other!
No we weren't too far away. Maybe we can finally meet up one of these days.
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